Worknet Community Interns is a program funded by #CaliforniansForAll and is overseen locally by Worknet Merced County. Our goal is to provide an outlet to Merced County youth who want to positively impact the community by serving and contributing their time and energy. Youth will work and contribute to local nonprofits’ mission, while being introduced to career pathways where serving communities is core to its mission. The program focuses on youth with high barriers to employment.

Non-profit organizations have joined us to provide not only worksites to the youth, but also to amplify the impact of their work with the youths' assistance. Merced Community Interns will provide non-profit organizations with job-ready youth able to perform as key members of their teams, and develop their worker pipelines.
Worknet Community Interns will also afford youth the opportunity to explore community-serving career pathways by pairing them up with compatible non-profit organizations and their leadership. This allows youth to gain valuable experience working with non-profit organizations and forming connections with multiple non-profit leaders.